The felted traps I make are made from 100% wool from Wallis Black-nosed sheep.
I started felting traps, then I got sheep and finally, a farm. The farm we rent from the Nordic Museum is from the 18th century and is located in Julita. There is a large sheep pen there and it was there that I discovered that sheep are incredibly affectionate, safe and pleasant animals.
Every kind trap I make comes with a story. Already when the sheep are sheared, the wool is marked with the sheep's name, year of birth and whether it is lambswool shearing. When I then felt the wool, I know exactly from which sheep it comes. This information about the sheep comes with you when you buy a kind trap from me.
I like best to see the sheep in their flock in the meadow, while they produce wonderful wool for the next shearing and trap making.
Although my journey towards a country life with sheep has only just begun, my ethos has always been to live more authentically; closer to nature and in rhythm with the seasons.